UFC 114: Rampage vs. Evans

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UFC 114: Rampage vs. Evans

#UFC 114: Rampage vs. Evans| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


As with every major show, BloodyElbow.com will be here to bring you live results and commentary for UFC 114: Rampage vs. Evans.  The live blog will start with the beginning of the Spike broadcast (at 9PM ET) so make sure to make Bloody Elbow your home for this event. 

As always we have our one rule: NO SPOILERS! In the interest of not ruining anything from the undercard that may make the broadcast we ask that you do not discuss the results of the undercard in the comments until either the broadcast ends or the fight makes the air.

[Luke Thomas filling in for Brent for the first fight tonight.]

Efrain Escudero vs. Dan Lauzon

Round 1 – Lauzon comes out south paw and the two feel each other out. inside leg kick by Lauzon. And a middle kick. Fighters trade crosses in the center. Leg kick by Escudero. Escudero ducks a punch, lands a knee and goes for a single. More knees from the clinch by Escudero. Fighters break off the clinch and return to the center of the cage. Escudero is bleeding over the left eye. More wild punches traded in the center, but nothing much lands for either guy. High kick blocked by Escudero. Lauzon trying to land right lead, Escudero content to counter. BloodyElbow.com scores the round 10-9 for Escudero.

Round 2 – Fighters still pawing in the center of cage, not landing much A couple of leg kicks for Escudero. Several right hands and knees lands for Escudero including flying knees as Lauzon sits against the fence. Lauzon double leg attempt fails and fighters clinch along the fence. Lauzon appears to be tired. Nasty inside leg kick by Escudero. Another Escudero inside leg kick. A few more strikes against the fence land for Escudero, none of destructive quality. Dirty boxing by Escudero, Lauzon mostly covering up. Vicious leg kick by Escudero. Escudero beginning to pick him apart. Escudero double leg attempt went nowhere. BloodyElbow.com scores the round 10-9 Escudero.

Round 3 – Right hand misses for Lauzon, Escudero lands a leg kick. Lauzon connects with Escudero’s groin. Fight is retstarted. Left hook glances for Escudero. Leg kick for Escudero. High kick misses for Lauzon. Fighters clinch along the fence with Escudero pressing the action. The clinch breaks. Dirty boxing by Escudero in the center of the cage, but not a whole lot lands. Again Lauzon’s right misses, but so does Escudero’s follow up. Big whiff of a high kick by Escudero, outside leg kick lands. Side kick by Escudero lands nowhere near much of anything. A lot of meaningless footwork by Escudero, but not throwing strikes. Another inside leg kick for Escudero. With 15 seconds to go Escudero lands a groin strike. Referee Josh Rosenthal decides to deduct a point from Escudero for the kick. Both mean brawling in the center of the cage. BloodyElbow.com scores the round 9-9.

BloodyElbow.com scores the fight 29-27 for Escudero.

All three judges score the fight 29-27 for Escudero.

An undercard bout was shown in which Cyrille Diabate defeated Luiz Cane by TKO.

Amir Sadollah vs. Dong Hyun Kim – Round 1 – Amir trying to punch early and Kim with a nice takedown into the half guard. Kim trying to set up the arm triangle choke but can’t secure it so he settles for an elbow to the face instead.  Amir working to catch a triangle but eats a heavy punch.  Kim is working away and just grinding.  Kim back to half guard and working heavy punches to keep Amir on the defensive.  Amir almost escapes near the end of the round but Kim’s control gives him a clear 10-9 round.  Round 2 – A little bit of stand-up early in the round and Amir looked to be getting comfortable, but Kim with a nice single leg takedown and a quick pass to side control.  Kim with a crucifix attempt but Amir escapes to his feet.  Knee from Amir and Kim locks up with him.  After a bit of time in the clinch Kim is able to get the fight right back to the floor.  Kim tries to work to mount but instead controls the arm of Amir and lands some hard shots to the face.  With 10 seconds left in the round Kim gets to mount and lands some punches before the horn sounds.  10-9 Kim again.  Round 3 – Kim with a quick takedown again in this round.  Not a ton to describe as Kim just grinds away before eventually they’re back to the feet.  Amir trying to go for broke but can’t connect hard enough to finish the fight off.  The fight comes to a close and all three judges agree with me, 30-27 for Kim.  Dong Hyun Kim wins by unanimous decision.

The PPV broadcast is now live.

John Hathaway vs. Diego Sanchez – Round 1 – Left hand counter early for Diego.  Three punch combination by Sanchez now and he is looking for a single leg.  Diego continues to look for the single leg but finally has to give up as Hathaway shows really good defense.  Elbow by Hathaway and then almost gets taken down but bounces back up.  They’re back to distance now.  Left hand lead by Diego now.  Right hand from Hathaway lands.  Knee from Hathaway as Diego shoots in and Diego is hurt!  Hathaway is trying to pour it on for the stoppage but it looks like Diego has recovered enough to defend here but Hathaway is really working him over from the top. Very sharp elbows from Hathaway now and he is really dominating from the top.  Hathaway is avoiding any of Diego’s offense from the guard and landing a lot of shots.  10-9 round for Hathaway.  Round 2 – Hathaway with a really solid left hand.  Head kick from Sanchez is blocked.  Right hand from Diego lands to the ear and a nice counter left follows.  Hard left hand by Diego and he’s finding his timing a little this round.  Left/Right combo lands for Diego now.  Hathaway with a kick which allows Diego to drive forward for the takedown.  Hathaway uses the cage to scoot back to standing.  Right hand from Hathaway lands.  Leg kick from Diego.  Hathaway tries for a takedown but can’t finish it.  Nice right hand from Hathaway now.  Right hand from Diego lands.  Right hand from Hathaway, now another from Diego.  Closer round but 10-9 Diego on my card.  Round 3 – Hathaway keeps using the long, straight right to give Diego problems.  Diego shoots and Hathaway avoids and then sticks a jab.  Right hands land for both men.  Right hand by Diego lands now.  Right hand from Hathaway.  Diego shoots again and it’s avoided again.  Diego lands a right hand as he escapes.  Right hand from Hathaway.  Right hand from Diego now.  I feel like I’m typing “right hand” a lot. Hathaway with a quick takedown and some punches but Diego is back up.  The round ends and it’s a 10-9 round that should cement the win for Hathaway.  Official Scorecards: 30-27, 30-27, 30-26.  John Hathaway wins by unanimous decision.

Jason Brilz vs. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira – Round 1 – Low kick from Nogueira lands.  Nice knee now from Rogerio.  Brilz with a takedown attempt that doesn’t go anywhere.  Single leg from Brilz now and he’s in Nogueira’s guard.  Nogueira looks for a triangle but Brilz avoids and passes to half guard.  Nogueira tries to sweep and ends up giving his back before having to roll over due to Brilz landing strikes.  Nogueira is able to escape out the back and take Brilz’s back briefly but Jason is able to get out and land a right hand.  Brilz ducks a punch and grabs a single leg. Left hand lands for Nogueira before the round ends.  10-9 round for Brilz but very close.  Round 2 – Leg kick from Brilz and he follows into a single leg.  Nogueira tries to grab a guillotine but can’t finish.  now Nog sweeps and Brilz has a very deep guillotine.  Nogueira manages to survive but Brilz is in half guard landing elbows.  Brilz almost has a guillotine again but Nogueira escapes.  They’re on the feet and Brilz lands a punch.  Brilz with a knee to the body.  Right hand from Brilz.  Big right from Brilz lands and it’s the best shot of the night.  Again Brilz lands.  Nice knee from Nogueira lands.  Left hand from Nogueira but Brilz rocks Nogueira with some hard punches.  Nogueira looks wobbly and he’s just backing away.  10-9 for Brilz again.  Round 3 – Brilz with a single leg and he’s back in Nogueira’s half guard.  Nogueira with a nice sweep and he’s on top landing punches now.  Brilz uses the fence to stand up and shoots for a single leg again.  Brilz looking for an ankle but just eats a bunch of punches from Nogueira. Brilz shoots again and Nogueira avoids this time and is looking for a darce.  Brilz is able to get out and now Nog with a knee as they’re standing.  Now Brilz gets the single leg but he’s tired and Nog is able to end up with a crucifix from the bottom.  Brilz turns through and ends up on top of Nogueira.  Nogueira with a nice sweep off the bottom and he’s on top in side control.  The round ends and it goes to Nogueira but Brilz won 29-28 on my card.  Official scorecards: 29-28 Brilz, 29-28 Nogueira, 29-28 Nogueira.  Antonio Rogerio Nogueira wins by split decision.  The crowd does not appreciate the decision and honestly it’s kind of ugly.

Todd Duffee vs. Mike Russow – Round 1 –Todd Duffee landing punches early and Russow is having to focus on defending rather than attacking.  A lot of shots getting through for Duffee and Russow briefly goes down.  Back to his feet and Russow continues eating huge punches from Duffee.  Duffee is being patient here and looking to wait for his moments before firing bombs.  Russow keeps trying to shoot but he isn’t getting anywhere with it.  Russow is just getting blown up here, basically he’s serving as a punching bag with legs.  Duffee is tagging him but to his credit Russow isn’t going down.  It’s hard to describe a fight that consists of one guy landing bombs to a guy who is too slow to get out of the way and too lacking to do anything in return.  10-8 Duffee as Russow got tagged all round and didn’t do anything in return.  Round 2 – More of the same early as Russow continues to block punches with his face and gamely stick around.  Russow lands a right hand and now eats about seven in return.  Shot attempt by Russow and he can’t get it again.  Duffee’s pace has slowed which is somewhat understandable given the amount of power shots he has thrown.  10-9 Duffee.  Round 3 – Duffee with a couple punches early. Russow tries to catch him but can’t get the takedown.  Single leg by Russow gets nowhere. They’re exchanging and Russow catches him.  Duffee goes down!  The fight is over.  Mike Russow finally landed a punch and it’s over.  Mike Russow wins by KO (punch), round 3.

Michael Bisping vs. Dan Miller – Round 1 – USA chants from the crowd.  Bisping looking to use the jab here.  Left hand lands for Miller and then a kick to the cup.  Right hand from Bisping.  They’re both missing a lot of shots early.  Right hand lands hard for Bisping.  Uppercut from Miller lands and then a right from Bisping.  Right hand again from Bisping.  Jab from Bisping.  Leg kick from Miller.  Left hand from Imller lands and now a 1-2 in return from Bisping.  Leg kick from Miller.  Left hook from Bisping lands.  Right hand by Bisping connects again.  Nice straight right hits Miller’s face.  Three punch combo from Bisping.  Clear 10-9 round for Bisping.  Round 2 – Miller bleeding from the nose early.  leg kick lands for him now.  Nicely timed right hand counter by Bisping and a left hand follow up.  Leg kick from Miller.  Left hand counter from Bisping.  Head kick from Bisping blocked and Miller tries to fire back but doesn’t land.  Takedown try by Miller and he can’t finish it.  Big right hand lands for Bisping and he’s taking the fight over.  Another hard right hand lands.  Left-right combo again.  Bisping keeps working the one-two combos and they’re landing.  Left hook from Bisping.  Right hand from Miller lands right at the bell.  10-9 round for Bisping.  Round 3 -Three big punches land for Bisping before a really huge overhand right for Miller. Bisping looks okay though and he lands a right hand and then a two punch combo.  Miller finally gets a takedown after Bisping landed a lot of punches.  Bisping scoots to the cage and wallwalks up without ever being in danger.  Right hand lands hard for Bisping again and now Miller tries to get it to the ground and can’t. Both men firing  and connecting with Bisping getting the better of the exchange.  10-9 Bisping again.  Official Scorecards: 30-27, 30-27, 29-28 all for Michael Bisping.

Rashad Evans vs. Quinton “Rampage” Jackson – Round 1 – Right hand by Rashad early hurts Rampage and sends him stumbling.  Rashad working for the takedown now but can’t get it.  Rampage with the knee.  They’re separated and back to standing.  Punch from Rashad and he explodes into a takedown and has side control.  Rampage manages to stand up but eats punches on the way up.  Rashad leaning on Rampage here and again they’re restarted.  Rampage sprawls and throws a few punches but nothing really lands.  10-9 Rashad as the round ends.  Round 2 -Rashad follows a punch into a body lock but Rampage did land a little in the first exchange.  Rashad keeps leaning on him here and as they separate Rampage throws punches and misses.  Body shot from Rashad and he pushes Rampage into the cage and starts punching the legs.  Again Herb Dean splits them up.  Jackson with a punch that misses.  Jab by Rashad and he’s gone well before Rampage can throw a return shot.  Uppercut from Rashad and again he pushes Rampage into the cage.  Rashad with the takedown attempt and Rashad ends up taking Jackson’s back standing, lands a few punches and the round ends.  10-9 Evans again.  Round 3 – Rampage just misses with a right hand.  Right hand by Jackson and Evans goes down.  Jackson jumps on him and is landing big punches now.  Rashad survives and is holding on to the body trying to control position.  Rashad scoots his hips out and is back to standing.  Rashad is wobbly though.  Rampage is letting him recover and now Rashad shoots in and gets a takedown.  Rampage may have just given the fight away. Rashad landing some hard punches from the top now.  Rampage manages to stand up and Rashad takes him right back down ahd he’s landing punches again.  After looking like he might go out early in the round Rashad came back to take the round on my card.  30-27 Evans.  Official Scorecards: 30-27, 29-28, 30-27 all for Rashad Evans. Rashad Evans wins by unanimous decision.




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